Maintenance Procedures

This section covers routine and emergency maintenance procedures for the homelab.

Table of contents

  1. Maintenance Schedule
  2. Update Procedures
    1. Operating System Updates
      1. Proxmox Updates
      2. TrueNAS Updates
    2. Application Updates
  3. Backup Procedures
    1. Backup Methods
    2. VM Backup Script
  4. Troubleshooting
    1. Common Issues
    2. Diagnostic Commands
      1. Kubernetes
      2. System
  5. Recovery Procedures
    1. Service Recovery
    2. Full System Recovery

Maintenance Schedule

The following table outlines the routine maintenance schedule for the homelab:

Task Frequency Duration Impact
OS Updates Monthly 1-2 hours Potential service disruption
Application Updates Weekly 30-60 minutes Minor service disruption
Database Backups Daily 15-30 minutes None
Full System Backup Weekly 2-3 hours None
Hardware Inspection Quarterly 1 hour None
UPS Testing Bi-annually 30 minutes None
Network Audit Quarterly 1-2 hours None

Update Procedures

Operating System Updates

Always create a snapshot or backup before performing OS updates.

Proxmox Updates

# Update package list
apt update

# Perform system upgrade
apt dist-upgrade

# Check if reboot is needed
if [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ]; then
  echo "Reboot required"
  # Plan for a maintenance window

TrueNAS Updates

TrueNAS updates are performed through the web UI:

  1. Navigate to System > Update
  2. Click “Check for Updates”
  3. If updates are available, click “Download Updates”
  4. Once downloaded, apply the updates during a maintenance window

Application Updates

Most applications are updated via Kubernetes:

# Update Helm repository
helm repo update

# Upgrade a specific application
helm upgrade [release-name] [chart] --namespace [namespace] --values values.yaml

# Example for updating Traefik
helm upgrade traefik traefik/traefik --namespace traefik --values traefik-values.yaml

Backup Procedures

The homelab uses a 3-2-1 backup strategy:

  • 3 copies of data
  • 2 different media types
  • 1 off-site copy

Backup Methods

Type Tool Schedule Retention Location
VM Backups Proxmox Backup Daily 7 daily, 4 weekly Backup server
Config Backups Ansible + Git On change Unlimited GitHub + Local
Data Backups Restic Daily 7 daily, 4 weekly, 12 monthly NAS + B2
Docker Volumes Velero Daily 7 daily NAS

VM Backup Script

# VM backup script

DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)

# Create backup directory
mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR

# Backup VMs
echo "Backing up VMs..."
for VM_ID in $(qm list | grep -v VMID | awk '{print $1}')
  echo "Backing up VM $VM_ID"
  vzdump $VM_ID --compress --mode snapshot --storage local-zfs

echo "Backup completed successfully!"


Common Issues

Issue First Response Next Steps
Service unreachable Check pod status Examine logs, restart service
High CPU/Memory Identify consuming process Scale resources or optimize
Disk space low Clear logs and temporary files Evaluate storage expansion
Network connectivity Check physical connections Verify switch ports, VLAN settings

Diagnostic Commands


# Check pod status
kubectl get pods -n [namespace]

# View pod logs
kubectl logs -n [namespace] [pod-name]

# Describe a pod for detailed information
kubectl describe pod -n [namespace] [pod-name]

# Check node status
kubectl get nodes


# Check system resource usage

# Check disk usage
df -h

# Check network connectivity
ping -c 4

# View logs
journalctl -u [service] -f

Recovery Procedures

Document all recovery actions taken in the incident log.

Service Recovery

  1. Identify the failing service
  2. Check logs for errors
  3. Attempt service restart
  4. If restart fails, restore from backup
  5. Verify service functionality
  6. Document the incident

Full System Recovery

In case of catastrophic failure:

  1. Boot from recovery media
  2. Restore system from backup
  3. Verify hardware functionality
  4. Restore VMs and containers
  5. Verify network connectivity
  6. Test critical services
  7. Document the recovery process